Why do I believe Positive Intelligence® (PQ) works for ADHD? Because it worked for me!

PQ® helps you turn coaching insights into lasting change.

Halt the Hijack™

One of the pillars of ADHD is emotional dysregulation. When you become emotionally hijacked you may not be in control of your next word, your tone, or even your actions. You are overcome by the “challenge” of the moment and become negatively reactive, instead of positively responsive. Halt the Hijack™ is a signature program which combines the emotional regulation training of PQ® and ADHD coaching. It is a neurobehavioural program that works on the premise of neuroplasticity and mental fitness.

Mental fitness is your capacity to handle the challenges of life with a positive mindset, rather than getting upset and stressed. Mental fitness positively impacts your parenting, your relationships, and your well being. It is THE tool in rewiring your brain so that your thoughts are serving you, rather than sabotaging you. With the Halt the Hijack™ program, you get the Positive Intelligence® app and an 8 week program led by a trauma informed ADHD parent coach. This ensures the program works with your brain and specific neurodivergent challenges. You will meet with either a small group or individually for 8 weeks depending on program offers and availability.

After 8 weeks of practicing PQ® you will be able to better recognize the narrative in the the back of your brain that inhibits your happiness, growth and potential. You will be able to interpret these voices and regulate your emotions sooner. These negative “voices” will be quieter and the periods of dysregulation will be shorter. By strengthening your mental regulation muscles your new ADHD awareness and insight will be brought into action.

Take the quiz to discover your saboteurs

Learn about the Positive Intelligence® program and app

  • "I became more self aware, and was able to pause. I finally felt in control of my emotions instead of being hijacked by them."

    Elizabeth M

  • "PQ allowed me to see the saboteurs in others (even my kids) and I was able to step back and show empathy instead of reactivity.”

    Barb L

  • "PQ is perfect for my ADHD brain! I never stuck with mindfullness or meditation before because I felt I couldn't slow down enough. PQ can be short, active, slow, directed...whatever I need it to be to make it work and I can tailor it exactly to how my brain is feeling that hour, day or week. I am so thankful to Tara to have found this amazing resource."

    Emily R

  • The PQ app is so simple and effective. I feel I have a tangeable tool for when I am feeling triggered. Working on my "mental muscles" just a few minutes a day was a small enough commitment that it was actually doable. I love that it not only helped in my parenting but all other aspects of my life. This program has entirely changed how I handle stress.

    Sandra B